Those who know me particularly well, are fully aware of my tendencies to "geek-out" on seemingly ineffectual subject matter. I have been known to accelerate my interests in say, skiing or Mixed Martial Arts (or IP Law), from zero to a hundred rather quickly.
My current geek indulgence, has been beer.
Thus, I am announcing that (starting soon...just in time for law school finals!) I will be reviewing one beer a week here at Modern Time; Crimes of the Mind.
My tastes have changed significantly since my college days (although I am at risk of reverting to Natural Light nearly every time I purchase beer...truly upsetting). Lately, I have been eschewing the lighter, more popular beers/brands to experiment with some more flavorful brews. Now, make no mistake, in my heart of hearts I absolutely love what I affectionately have dubbed the "Hometown Breweries" such as Saranac, Long Trail Brewing Co., Magic Hat Brewing Company, southern tier brewing co., etc.
I would desire nothing better to review some of my favorite brews from the great North East, however, I will simply be limited by availability. Luckily, I am surrounded by some fantastic breweries. A few of my favorites discoveries thus far (expect to see reviews of beers from many of the following):
Laguintas Brewing Company - especially their Censored Rich Copper Ale
Pyramid Breweries - probably most well known for their Hefe
Anchor Brewing - maker of the SF classic, the Anchor Steam
Plus a few of my favorite "bigger-breweries" out in Colorado:
New Belgium Brewing, and;
Flying Dog Brewery - the 2009 'Mid-Size Brewery of the Year' (GABF).
My ambition is to sample and review one beer each week. I will attempt to include pictures, as well as my (expert/charming/batman-esque) insight concerning each beer. I am still toying around with a rating schematic, but rest assured, you will know my opinion, one way or another, regarding each brew.
Now, here comes the FULL disclosure...as of this moment, everything that I am reviewing and including in photographs (i.e., glasses with brand names on them) have been paid for entirely by me. This ensures an unbiased, hard-hitting opinion that you can TRUST and RELY on! [please note this as sarcasm] That being said, I am always open to receiving beers or beer/glass combo sets for review...in fact, you could say that I readily welcome and invite solicitation (full disclosure if and when of course!). Please simply contact me...
Also, be patient - twice a year blogging (and beer reviewing) takes a deferential, "back-burner," position to law school finals...but you can expect to see a weekly installment soon.
Thanks and [of course] Cheers!
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