For starters, how about Christan Bale? Is your job (and life, for that matter) really that exacting and stressful that you need to react like this? The kicker is that he will likely suffer no repercussions for this, whatsoever. In actuality, the fact that this clip has gone 'viral' will probably serve to drum up buzz for his new movie(s)...'Terminator' is going to be INTENSE!
Or, what about Michael Phelps? The "I won 8-gold medals, so now I can live-it-up" mentality has not suited him well. He has been seen on TV knocking back Corona's at a Baltimore Raven's game (he has a DWI on his record from when he was 19) and now this picture surfaces of him smoking marijuana at a frat-house at South Carolina (and I mean smoking, that is quite the bong). Yes, society is coming around toward of more liberal view of the drug, however, engaging in this type of (illegal!) behavior is simply an imprudent decision for an advertising star and a national role-model.
Then, perhaps worst of all is Carol Carter, a relative unknown Florida Republican committeewoman, who forwarded an email 'joke' that ultimately led to her resignation. The email began,"I'm confused. How can 2,000,000 blacks get into Washington, DC in 1 day in sub zero temps when 200,000 couldn't get out of New Orleans in 85 degree temps with four days notice."
Wow...well done Ms. Carter. That is unabashed racism that truly fires on all cylinders. The committeewoman followed with an "apology", stating that she didn't want the comment to be taken in a negative manner, and was hoping that everyone could retain a sense of humor about themselves.
Oh, and by sense of humor, she must have only meant a blend of racial stereotype and the derision of a national tragedy. Good grief!
i lol'd.
I think Phelps could have taken a bigger rip. He does have world class lungs...
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